Getting to know Homeopathy
Chaitali Shah Chaitali Shah

Getting to know Homeopathy

The term ‘Homeopathy’ comes from ‘homeos’ meaning similar and ‘pathos’ meaning suffering. Though considered as an alternative system of medicine, WHO recognizes Homeopathy as one of the leading systems of medicine in the world. It is the second most widely used systems in the world.

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Reasons to choose Homeopathy
Chaitali Shah Chaitali Shah

Reasons to choose Homeopathy

The fundamental principle of Homeopathy is the Law of Similars or ‘like cures like’. This typically means that a substance (when in it’s crude form) that is capable of producing certain symptoms in a healthy body

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COVID-19: What to ask your Doctor
Chaitali Shah Chaitali Shah

COVID-19: What to ask your Doctor

The past few months have changed our outlook towards the world we live in, almost as if it is a completely new place! Here is my attempt at throwing some light on the one thing that changed everything – COVID – 19.

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Depression and Homeopathy
Chaitali Shah Chaitali Shah

Depression and Homeopathy

Depression is a clinical condition that adversely affects the way a person thinks, feels, and behaves. In today’s times, we are more aware of the concepts of mental health and hence, come across more

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PCOS and Homeopathy
Chaitali Shah Chaitali Shah

PCOS and Homeopathy

One of the most common medical terms heard by the female population all over the world today is “Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome”. Everyone knows of it, but most women fail to understand what it really is.

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Immunity and Homeopathy
Chaitali Shah Chaitali Shah

Immunity and Homeopathy

We depend on our own body’s ability to fight out any kind of infections that we are exposed to.

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Menopause and Homeopathy
Chaitali Shah Chaitali Shah

Menopause and Homeopathy

The disruption of the normal menstrual cycle in a female after the age of about 40 years and the consequent inability to conceive is known as menopause.

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Migraine and Homeopathy
Chaitali Shah Chaitali Shah

Migraine and Homeopathy

Migraine is a type of headache in which generally one side of the head hurts. These headaches typically tend to be pulsating or throbbing in nature.

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