Homeopathy is a holistic, gentle, natural health science that is based on various laws and phenomena observed in nature. It was founded in 1796 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician who during his career as a medical doctor, came to understand that every illness originates in the emotional, spiritual sphere which eventually manifests itself through the signs and symptoms in the physical body. With this knowledge, he founded a healing system “Homeopathy” based on the principle of “like cures like” – Homeo means ‘similar’ and pathos means ‘suffering’. He experimented on himself with various remedies available in nature and extensively recorded the results. In these experiments, he learnt that the drug substances that gave rise to certain symptoms in the human body, cured the same symptoms when administered to a patient in super diluted potentized forms. This is the principle of “like cures like”. He put together a detailed database of Homeopathic principles, theories, practices and remedial solutions based on these experiments. This forms the basis of Homeopathic treatment principles and are used extensively in our practice to provide the highest standard of Homeopathic treatment.
Our goal at Toronto Homeopathic Wellness to provide the best Homeopathic health care to our patients. Homeopathic approach ensures that every aspect of your health is studied, understood and addressed to achieve your optimum level of wellness. Our commitment is to provide you with the best Homeopathic experience and to heal you holistically.