
Homeopathy in Gynecology

A healthy reproductive system is a reflection of healthy hormonal regulation in the body. When this system is not functioning at its best, it can create havoc in a woman’s body both physically and psychologically.

Homeopathy has proven to be beneficial in various conditions of the female reproductive system. Whether it is Gynecological conditions or Obstetric troubles, Homeopathy comes to the rescue in most situations. Especially when the woman is pregnant, or is trying to get pregnant, a lot of the regular medications cannot be taken due to their side-effects. Homeopathy, due to its gentle, holistic and minimum side-effects approach, is very popular and widely accepted during such health situations.

Conditions such as irregular menses, painful menses, uterine polyps & fibroids, difficulty in conception, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, vaginal infections, menopausal troubles, etc. or obstetric conditions such as conditions during pregnancy, difficult child birth, post partum depression and other troubles - Homeopathy helps in treating these by making the body’s natural ability to maintain an efficient functioning and keeping the internal hormonal balance and harmony.